We encourage the children to take a pride in their appearance and expect all children to wear school uniform. However, it is important to realise that children will be taking part in art and craft activities at school, and although precautions are taken, clothes may get grubby. This is to be expected, and does mean that their ‘best’ clothes are not getting spoilt!
ALL ITEMS MUST BE NAMED! Items of clothing are frequently handed in as ‘lost property’ and their owners never traced because the clothing has not been marked. The school cannot be responsible for any lost property. Lost property can be located in bins in the foyer of the Junior site and in the corridor in the Infant site.
Our uniform code is as follows:
- Red jumper/fleece/cardigan (these can be purchased with or without the school logo)
- Grey or black trousers/skirt/pinafore (Not leggings)
- White shirt/polo shirt
- Sensible, flat, black shoes – trainers, ankle boots or ‘DM’ type boots should not be worn. Shoes with heels, flip flops or open toes are not appropriate for school and should not be worn. Shoes with laces should only be worn if your child can tie them themselves
- If ears are pierced, plain, one colour studs no larger than 0.5cm, may be worn. These must be removed for PE lessons by the child. If your child is not able to remove them, parents should remove them before school. If your child is going to have their ears pierced please ensure this is done at the beginning of the summer holiday. A watch may also be worn if your child can tell the time. This will need to be removed for PE lessons.
- Long hair must be tied back – in addition to looking neat and tidy, this can help to avoid the spread of head lice should they occur occasionally at school.
- Children are not expected to attend school with some of the more ‘extreme’ hair styles – eg hair extensions, dyed hair or shaved patterns in hair. These are not really suitable for school and better left for holiday time.
- Girls may wear tights if these are in plain colours such as white, cream, grey, red or black.
- Socks for boys or girls should be black, grey or white
- During summer: red and white checked dress/grey/black shorts
- In bad weather, pupils may wear boots to school and then change into their usual school shoes.
Uniform Suppliers
All uniform with the school logo is out sourced. Parents can contact the company direct on-line, post or by telephone:
Forsters School Outfitters
17-19 East Street, Sittingbourne ME10 4BQ
01795 472947
Click here for web site: http://www.forsterskent.co.uk/south-avenue-primary-school-139-c.asp
Click and collect service also available.
Uniform can be purchased in store only:
5 West Street, Sittingbourne Kent
Tel: 01795 431334
PE Kit
- A complete change of clothing is required. We encourage children to ensure they have their kit in school on the first day of each term and take this home to be washed at the end.
- All PE kit should be in a separate named PE bag.
- Plain white T-shirt and red shorts.
- Junior children should also have plain tracksuit bottoms and long-sleeved top.
- Children should wear separate footwear from that worn to school and for the remainder of the school day. This should be plimsolls or trainers for outdoor PE. For safety reasons, particularly when using the apparatus, PE lessons in the hall take place with all children bare footed.
- Swimming – swimming costumes (NOT bikinis), trunks.
- Children who are not properly dressed for PE may not be allowed to take part
- All PE activities are an integral part of the curriculum and, therefore, children unable to take part in PE must bring a note to school giving reasons for their temporary incapacity and, if possible, its duration. Verbal messages from the child are not acceptable. Should a child regularly not bring his/her kit to school and therefore miss lessons, parents will be notified of the school’s concern and seek support to ensure this vital subject is not missed
Personal Property
No toys or games should be brought into school unless prior arrangements have been made. Items of value should be left at home. The school will not take any responsibility for toys that are damaged, lost or stolen.
The School’s policy is that no jewellery should be worn in school and the school cannot accept any responsibility for jewellery that is lost. The School policy clearly states that no jewellery should be worn by children participating in PE activities. Studs are the only acceptable earrings in school and these must also be taken out for PE or taped over. Any ear-piercing should take place at the beginning of the summer holidays to allow time for them to heal before school re-starts in September.
Lost Property
If all your child's clothing and belongings are clearly named there is far less chance of losing them. The School does not accept responsibility for loss or damage to personal property of pupils. Marking clothes and other property with the owner's name is of the greatest importance and parents are, therefore, requested to ensure that all property brought to school is marked.
Any enquiries regarding lost property should be made to the infant or junior school offices. It would be helpful if wellington boots could be pegged together with a clothes peg clearly marked with your child's name.