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Curriculum OLD

Curriculum OLD

This section contains details of our curriculum and events that have or are taking place in the school including information about school performances, exhibitions, residential trips and sporting events.


Every State funded school must offer a curriculum which is balanced and broadly based  and which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society and prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.


* See Section 78 of the 2002 Education Act which applies to all maintained schools.  Academies are also required to offer a broad and balanced curriculum in accordance with Section 1 of the Academies Act.


South Avenue Primary School, as part of the Fulston Manor Academy Trust, has chosen to use the National Curriculum and Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum as the basis for its curriculum.  We also use the Kent Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. In addition to this, the school seeks to use innovative and inspiring opportunities to enhance the learning of the children.


Since 2003, when the DFE issued a document entitled “Excellence and Enjoyment”, this school has worked to mould the curriculum in our “own identity”. We follow a Creative Curriculum, underpinned by the teaching of specific learning skills, making use of the school grounds and environment, local area and other resources to support learning.


At South Avenue Primary School we are continually looking at ways to create more meaningful links between subjects to promote learning by using different teaching strategies and creating a stimulating learning environment.


To view the South Avenue Primary School curriculum Booklet and Policy please click the link below

South Avenue Primary School Curriculum Booklet and Policy


To view the South Avenue Primary School English curriculum open the pdf or Excel files here:

English Curriculum - PDF File

English Curriculum - Excel File

English Policy


To view the South Avenue Primary School Maths curriculum open the pdf or Excel files here:

Maths Curriculum - PDF File

Maths Curriculum - Excel File

Maths Policy

Further information for Maths can be found on the Maths Curriculum information page.


To view the South Avenue Primary School Science curriculum open the pdf or Word files here:

Science Curriculum - PDF File

Science Curriculum - Word File


To view the South Avenue Primary School RSE Curriculum open the pdf or PowerPoint here:

RSE Policy September 2020

RSE Parent Info - PDF File