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It is important for teachers, TAs, children and parents to know where a child is in their learning – what they know, what they can do and what they need to do next – this is called assessment. There are 2 methods of assessment – tests that children take (such as SATS) and every day assessment which school adults and children make about their learning. We look at children’s work, listen to them read, watch them carrying out their learning tasks and make ongoing assessments. Teachers use this method of assessment to fill gaps in children’s knowledge and skills and to continually extend their learning forward so they develop the knowledge and skills they need. Children are part of this process through assessing their own work and challenging their learning so they know what they need to do next to move their learning on.


Parents are kept informed of the child's progress on an informal basis as well as through 3 weekly updates on the Learning Ladders parent portal (coming in term 6).


Teachers also arrange meetings with parents in the Autumn and Spring Terms to discuss how the children have settled into a new class and to discuss targets planned to take the child forward. These are opportunities to discuss your child's progress and look at work in more detail.  Parents are also given a copy of the Teacher’s consultation form which will provide information about what was discussed, any special educational needs and also includes targets for future learning and an assessment as to whether your child is working age appropriately, just over or just under.


Parents are encouraged to speak to their child’s teacher if they have any concerns about their child’s learning, and our SENCo will also be available to talk to parents by appointment.


At beginning of the Summer Term, the Year 2 and year 6 children will be engaged in the Standard Assessment Tests (SATs). Towards the end of the Summer Term, parents receive a written report and an additional sheet giving your child’s levels of attainment within the National curriculum standards.  Parents of children in other year groups also receive a written report of achievement in the Summer Term.


An Open Day is held after school during the Summer Term, when you are invited to look at the work of the whole school and the work of your child’s class